
How to make coffee without a coffee maker — 5 easy techniques

Looking to make your own freshly-brewed coffee without a big expense? You’ll be pleased to hear, you don’t need to buy one of the best coffee makers to make great coffee. In fact, you may even unlock brand new tastes by using this guide to some of the easiest coffee-making techniques. Say you’re away on a trip, staying with friends, or you just don’t have want the substantial spend of a coffee machine, fear not, incredible tasting coffee is still possible.

Not only that, but we’ve got five easy methods that require only common household items that you may well find you have in your kitchen already. Or, if you need to buy some of the kit, it’s far less of an outgoing than a coffee machine. While instant granules may work for some people, having freshly brewed coffee made from scratch is by far the best coffee you’ll have. The roasted coffee beans add depth of flavor that you could be missing out on, and we promise it’s not hard to make it yourself. With the help of coffee experts, here’s five easy techniques you can start using today.

Do I need a coffee maker to make coffee?

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

Tim Medley, Coffee Quality Specialist and Q Grader at Taylors of Harrogate says, “The short answer is no, you don’t need a coffee maker to make coffee – and, in fact, you can make some of the best coffees with some of the simplest equipment available.”

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